OVA色情教団 #1
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Minase, a high school student, found a book of magic in an isolated room in his school. He started practicing black magic that has extreme sexual effects that benefited him and some of his friends. Intrigued, Minase got deeper and deeper into using the craft, not realizing the evils that will come forth. Eventually, the origins of the book was revealed, and so did the incident twelve years ago on the night of the Walpurgis, the night when the power of evil is at its strongest. After coming to his senses, Minase struggles to get himself out of the darkness that he had put himself into. BBBible BlackBible BlackBible BlackBible Black, sexe et magie noireBible Black: La Noche de WalpurgisBible Black: La Noche de WalpurgisČerná bibleCzarna księgaIm Banne des SatansJuodoji BiblijaЧёрная БиблияЧорна Біблія: Вальпургієва ніч바이블 블 Bible Black Hentaid watch Complete episodes subtitled English Taki Minase Futanari Rape school Yuri young hentai Teens Big tits Minase naked fucking Bible Black videos xxx – An academy student, Taki Minase, finds a strange book while exploring an abandoned room in the school’s basement. With the help of his cousin, he translates the Latin-French writings and finds them to be instructions for dark magic, which is actually a form of Kabbalistic satanism (the translation was not mentioned in the OVA). Using the book’s magic, Minase is able to make Rika Shiraki love him, as well as help his friend, Ayumi Murai, to get the boy she loves to love her back. Reika Kitami, the school nurse, hears of his magical acts and decides to sway him to her cause because she needs the book for herself. Twelve years prior on Walpurgis Night, Kitami was used as a sacrifice for the previous Witchcraft Club and only survived after making a deal with Satan, becoming a hermaphrodite in the process. Kitami now needs a virgin girl to act as a vessel for her reincarnation as the life that Satan has given her is running out. Kaori Saeki, the head of the new Witchcraft Club, also notes Minase’s magic acts and persuades him to come to one of her meetings with the book. After being seduced by Kitami and possessed by a lesser demon, Minase brings her with him and she rapes Saeki into submission, taking over the Witchcraft Club. Kitami holds private counseling sessions for girls, trying to find the virgin she needs. She reveals to Minase that the two girls she has had her eyes on were Shiraki and Minase’s childhood friend, Kurumi Imari. However, since Shiraki is no longer a virgin (thanks to Minase), Kitami pursues Imari, who has been missing school recently after walking in on Minase and Shiraki during intercourse. Kitami also regularly kidnaps the art teacher, Hiroko Takashiro, and performs sexual tortures on her after finding out that Takashiro was the head of the Witchcraft Club that had sacrificed her, even though Takashiro had left the circle prior to the ritual. After Imari is abducted by Kitami, the lesser demon leaves Minase and he realizes that he loves Imari and must save her. With the help of Takashiro and the Bible Black, he finds a spell Takashiro believes will stop Kitami’s evil scheme. By this point, it is Walpurgis Night once again, and Kitami plans to reincarnate herself into Imari. Kitami slits her wrists and has sexual intercourse with Imari as the reincarnation ritual demands, but Minase interrupts it and casts his spell on Kitami. This apparently causes the ritual to fail, and Kitami dies from blood loss. Afterwards, Minase and Imari confess their love for each other and have intercourse. Some time later, Saeki is seen in the Witchcraft Club sanctuary, planning to steal the Bible Black, which was going to be left there before the entrance was cemented over. Imari enters the room and destroys the Bible Black with a fire spell, then reveals herself as a hermaphrodite, showing that Kitami’s ritual was successful. The series ends with Kitami deciding to test her new body out by raping Saeki again.
Minase, a high school student, found a book of magic in an isolated room in his school. He started practicing black magic that has extreme sexual effects that benefited him and some of his friends. Intrigued, Minase got deeper and deeper into using the craft, not realizing the evils that will come forth. Eventually, the origins of the book was revealed, and so did the incident twelve years ago on the night of the Walpurgis, the night when the power of evil is at its strongest. After coming to his senses, Minase struggles to get himself out of the darkness that he had put himself into. BBBible BlackBible BlackBible BlackBible Black, sexe et magie noireBible Black: La Noche de WalpurgisBible Black: La Noche de WalpurgisČerná bibleCzarna księgaIm Banne des SatansJuodoji BiblijaЧёрная БиблияЧорна Біблія: Вальпургієва ніч바이블 블 Bible Black Hentaid watch Complete episodes subtitled English Taki Minase Futanari Rape school Yuri young hentai Teens Big tits Minase naked fucking Bible Black videos xxx – An academy student, Taki Minase, finds a strange book while exploring an abandoned room in the school’s basement. With the help of his cousin, he translates the Latin-French writings and finds them to be instructions for dark magic, which is actually a form of Kabbalistic satanism (the translation was not mentioned in the OVA). Using the book’s magic, Minase is able to make Rika Shiraki love him, as well as help his friend, Ayumi Murai, to get the boy she loves to love her back. Reika Kitami, the school nurse, hears of his magical acts and decides to sway him to her cause because she needs the book for herself. Twelve years prior on Walpurgis Night, Kitami was used as a sacrifice for the previous Witchcraft Club and only survived after making a deal with Satan, becoming a hermaphrodite in the process. Kitami now needs a virgin girl to act as a vessel for her reincarnation as the life that Satan has given her is running out. Kaori Saeki, the head of the new Witchcraft Club, also notes Minase’s magic acts and persuades him to come to one of her meetings with the book. After being seduced by Kitami and possessed by a lesser demon, Minase brings her with him and she rapes Saeki into submission, taking over the Witchcraft Club. Kitami holds private counseling sessions for girls, trying to find the virgin she needs. She reveals to Minase that the two girls she has had her eyes on were Shiraki and Minase’s childhood friend, Kurumi Imari. However, since Shiraki is no longer a virgin (thanks to Minase), Kitami pursues Imari, who has been missing school recently after walking in on Minase and Shiraki during intercourse. Kitami also regularly kidnaps the art teacher, Hiroko Takashiro, and performs sexual tortures on her after finding out that Takashiro was the head of the Witchcraft Club that had sacrificed her, even though Takashiro had left the circle prior to the ritual. After Imari is abducted by Kitami, the lesser demon leaves Minase and he realizes that he loves Imari and must save her. With the help of Takashiro and the Bible Black, he finds a spell Takashiro believes will stop Kitami’s evil scheme. By this point, it is Walpurgis Night once again, and Kitami plans to reincarnate herself into Imari. Kitami slits her wrists and has sexual intercourse with Imari as the reincarnation ritual demands, but Minase interrupts it and casts his spell on Kitami. This apparently causes the ritual to fail, and Kitami dies from blood loss. Afterwards, Minase and Imari confess their love for each other and have intercourse. Some time later, Saeki is seen in the Witchcraft Club sanctuary, planning to steal the Bible Black, which was going to be left there before the entrance was cemented over. Imari enters the room and destroys the Bible Black with a fire spell, then reveals herself as a hermaphrodite, showing that Kitami’s ritual was successful. The series ends with Kitami deciding to test her new body out by raping Saeki again.
クリムゾンガールズと呼ばれる女探偵たち。 裏の世界ではそこそこ名の知れた連中らしい。 かなりのキレ者で、腕も立つと評判の七瀬サキ。 彼女をリーダーに集う女武闘派集団であった。 数々の女を屈服させてきた謎の男・神沼カオル。 その彼がターゲットにしたのが、クリムゾンガールズの女たちであった。 メンバーの一人、黒井みつがカオルの手に落ちた。 カオルの言葉に従順なみつに、かつての凜々しさは伺えなかった。 カオルが次のターゲットに据えたのは、桜のぞみ。 彼女は友人たちと痴漢犯罪をでっち上げ、ストレス発散と小遣い稼ぎを繰り返していた。 そんなのぞみにカオルら痴漢たちが襲いかかる。 経験したことのないその快楽に、少しずつ精神を蝕まれていくのぞみ。 意識が朦朧とする中、カオルの言葉がのぞみの脳裏に響き渡る……。 「恥をかかされてきた可哀想な男の代わりに、オレが天罰を与えてやるよ」
はしたないinnocence 「gail fee・NUR」レーベル最新作に、妖しく儚い美少女が再降臨! 狂おしい程に乱れ求め合う男女のドロドロな略奪性を描いた「小さな蕾のその奥に……」の第三弾! ふとした弾みで怒鳴られまくりだった隣人のシングルマザーと関係を持ってしまった主人公。 その娘である無垢な不思議美少女「未来」に激しく貪りのめり込む変態被虐に陥った彼の行き着く先は……! その儚くも妖しげで無垢な美少女を穢した主人公……その姿を見かけるだけで猛り狂う若棒に抑える術はハメるだけとばかりに即射の如く貪り続けていく! 限界を超えて尚収まる事の知らない状況に流されるままにバスの車内で、公園のトイレで、所構わず注ぎ込む! そんな過酷な中で見せるのは妖しげな微笑! 体の下で火照る美少女のその姿に、貪っているはずが、逆に貪られているような錯覚に……! とらえどころのない美少女のヒミツとは!? 爛れた肉欲の「滴る恥じらい」は、完熟未熟な女性達を潤すワイセツな逸品! 美少女x背徳=嗜虐!妖しげで儚く無垢な美少女の「乙女の迸り」をぜひご賞味下さい!
Minase, a high school student, found a book of magic in an isolated room in his school. He started practicing black magic that has extreme sexual effects that benefited him and some of his friends. Intrigued, Minase got deeper and deeper into using the craft, not realizing the evils that will come forth. Eventually, the origins of the book was revealed, and so did the incident twelve years ago on the night of the Walpurgis, the night when the power of evil is at its strongest. After coming to his senses, Minase struggles to get himself out of the darkness that he had put himself into. BBBible BlackBible BlackBible BlackBible Black, sexe et magie noireBible Black: La Noche de WalpurgisBible Black: La Noche de WalpurgisČerná bibleCzarna księgaIm Banne des SatansJuodoji BiblijaЧёрная БиблияЧорна Біблія: Вальпургієва ніч바이블 블 Bible Black Hentaid watch Complete episodes subtitled English Taki Minase Futanari Rape school Yuri young hentai Teens Big tits Minase naked fucking Bible Black videos xxx – An academy student, Taki Minase, finds a strange book while exploring an abandoned room in the school’s basement. With the help of his cousin, he translates the Latin-French writings and finds them to be instructions for dark magic, which is actually a form of Kabbalistic satanism (the translation was not mentioned in the OVA). Using the book’s magic, Minase is able to make Rika Shiraki love him, as well as help his friend, Ayumi Murai, to get the boy she loves to love her back. Reika Kitami, the school nurse, hears of his magical acts and decides to sway him to her cause because she needs the book for herself. Twelve years prior on Walpurgis Night, Kitami was used as a sacrifice for the previous Witchcraft Club and only survived after making a deal with Satan, becoming a hermaphrodite in the process. Kitami now needs a virgin girl to act as a vessel for her reincarnation as the life that Satan has given her is running out. Kaori Saeki, the head of the new Witchcraft Club, also notes Minase’s magic acts and persuades him to come to one of her meetings with the book. After being seduced by Kitami and possessed by a lesser demon, Minase brings her with him and she rapes Saeki into submission, taking over the Witchcraft Club. Kitami holds private counseling sessions for girls, trying to find the virgin she needs. She reveals to Minase that the two girls she has had her eyes on were Shiraki and Minase’s childhood friend, Kurumi Imari. However, since Shiraki is no longer a virgin (thanks to Minase), Kitami pursues Imari, who has been missing school recently after walking in on Minase and Shiraki during intercourse. Kitami also regularly kidnaps the art teacher, Hiroko Takashiro, and performs sexual tortures on her after finding out that Takashiro was the head of the Witchcraft Club that had sacrificed her, even though Takashiro had left the circle prior to the ritual. After Imari is abducted by Kitami, the lesser demon leaves Minase and he realizes that he loves Imari and must save her. With the help of Takashiro and the Bible Black, he finds a spell Takashiro believes will stop Kitami’s evil scheme. By this point, it is Walpurgis Night once again, and Kitami plans to reincarnate herself into Imari. Kitami slits her wrists and has sexual intercourse with Imari as the reincarnation ritual demands, but Minase interrupts it and casts his spell on Kitami. This apparently causes the ritual to fail, and Kitami dies from blood loss. Afterwards, Minase and Imari confess their love for each other and have intercourse. Some time later, Saeki is seen in the Witchcraft Club sanctuary, planning to steal the Bible Black, which was going to be left there before the entrance was cemented over. Imari enters the room and destroys the Bible Black with a fire spell, then reveals herself as a hermaphrodite, showing that Kitami’s ritual was successful. The series ends with Kitami deciding to test her new body out by raping Saeki again.
Minase, a high school student, found a book of magic in an isolated room in his school. He started practicing black magic that has extreme sexual effects that benefited him and some of his friends. Intrigued, Minase got deeper and deeper into using the craft, not realizing the evils that will come forth. Eventually, the origins of the book was revealed, and so did the incident twelve years ago on the night of the Walpurgis, the night when the power of evil is at its strongest. After coming to his senses, Minase struggles to get himself out of the darkness that he had put himself into. BBBible BlackBible BlackBible BlackBible Black, sexe et magie noireBible Black: La Noche de WalpurgisBible Black: La Noche de WalpurgisČerná bibleCzarna księgaIm Banne des SatansJuodoji BiblijaЧёрная БиблияЧорна Біблія: Вальпургієва ніч바이블 블 Bible Black Hentaid watch Complete episodes subtitled English Taki Minase Futanari Rape school Yuri young hentai Teens Big tits Minase naked fucking Bible Black videos xxx – An academy student, Taki Minase, finds a strange book while exploring an abandoned room in the school’s basement. With the help of his cousin, he translates the Latin-French writings and finds them to be instructions for dark magic, which is actually a form of Kabbalistic satanism (the translation was not mentioned in the OVA). Using the book’s magic, Minase is able to make Rika Shiraki love him, as well as help his friend, Ayumi Murai, to get the boy she loves to love her back. Reika Kitami, the school nurse, hears of his magical acts and decides to sway him to her cause because she needs the book for herself. Twelve years prior on Walpurgis Night, Kitami was used as a sacrifice for the previous Witchcraft Club and only survived after making a deal with Satan, becoming a hermaphrodite in the process. Kitami now needs a virgin girl to act as a vessel for her reincarnation as the life that Satan has given her is running out. Kaori Saeki, the head of the new Witchcraft Club, also notes Minase’s magic acts and persuades him to come to one of her meetings with the book. After being seduced by Kitami and possessed by a lesser demon, Minase brings her with him and she rapes Saeki into submission, taking over the Witchcraft Club. Kitami holds private counseling sessions for girls, trying to find the virgin she needs. She reveals to Minase that the two girls she has had her eyes on were Shiraki and Minase’s childhood friend, Kurumi Imari. However, since Shiraki is no longer a virgin (thanks to Minase), Kitami pursues Imari, who has been missing school recently after walking in on Minase and Shiraki during intercourse. Kitami also regularly kidnaps the art teacher, Hiroko Takashiro, and performs sexual tortures on her after finding out that Takashiro was the head of the Witchcraft Club that had sacrificed her, even though Takashiro had left the circle prior to the ritual. After Imari is abducted by Kitami, the lesser demon leaves Minase and he realizes that he loves Imari and must save her. With the help of Takashiro and the Bible Black, he finds a spell Takashiro believes will stop Kitami’s evil scheme. By this point, it is Walpurgis Night once again, and Kitami plans to reincarnate herself into Imari. Kitami slits her wrists and has sexual intercourse with Imari as the reincarnation ritual demands, but Minase interrupts it and casts his spell on Kitami. This apparently causes the ritual to fail, and Kitami dies from blood loss. Afterwards, Minase and Imari confess their love for each other and have intercourse. Some time later, Saeki is seen in the Witchcraft Club sanctuary, planning to steal the Bible Black, which was going to be left there before the entrance was cemented over. Imari enters the room and destroys the Bible Black with a fire spell, then reveals herself as a hermaphrodite, showing that Kitami’s ritual was successful. The series ends with Kitami deciding to test her new body out by raping Saeki again.
地球の海にやってきたG・ルナリアムご一行。 「特訓とは名ばかりのバカンス旅行!?」と思いきや月狼族族長『ヘカテリーナ』による地獄の合宿特訓だった…! なんとかヘカテリーナの弱点を調べようと動き出すカツマの前に『十五夜つきみ&まりあ』姉妹が現れる。 これまでの協力のご褒美が欲しいと、まりあはシャワー室の中で激しくそして淫らにカツマを求め甘酸っぱい経験をしてみたいつきみは、夕日に照らされながらカツマに身を任せていく。OVA色情教団 #1
Shikijou Kyoudan Episode 1
One day, a mysterious beauty appeared in front of a man who recently became homeless and invited him into a world of pleasure… an invitation you cannot refuse.